AIR Institute presents Apapachoa therapeutic dolls at the National Neurodegenerative Disease Forum

On Thursday, September 21, Valladolid hosted the National Forum 'Neurodegenerative Diseases: How can technology help us?’. Specialists from different companies and organizations such as ITCL, SIVI, ARSOFT and the Centr@tec Program attended the event organized by ICE and the Regional Government of Castilla y León.

Albano Carrera and Pablo Enrique Guillem, from AIR Institute, presented Apapachoa in Valladolid

In the space reserved for the demonstration and testing of technologies applied to health, AIR Institute presented the Apapachoa project. These are handmade therapeutic rag dolls with built-in technology, designed to help people of any age to cope with their daily lives, improving their quality of life and delaying the negative effects caused by various pathologies. The therapy proposed by Apapachoa helps to alleviate the negative effects of disorders such as Alzheimer's, autism, stress or communication problems, among others.

The National Forum on Neurodegenerative Diseases, aimed at different actors in the health sector and technology companies, included three working sessions on the needs to improve the health of patients with these diseases, social realities and applied technology. The presentations by experts at the round tables and demonstrations of products created to improve the lives of patients made this event highly relevant for the present and future of the fight against neurodegenerative diseases.