The media echo the efforts of our IA4Birds project

The benefits of renewable energies and tangible realities such as wind farms are obvious, however, they also imply risks and disadvantages for biodiversity, and it is important to reduce them as much as possible.

The IA4Birds project is being coordinated by AIR Institute with the support of the Fundación Biodiversidad of the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge. It consists of a platform based on artificial intelligence that, using audiovisual devices, is capable of monitoring bird populations in order to prevent threats and risks and to decide whether or not a particular site is suitable for the implementation of a wind farm.

The combination of cutting-edge technology with a series of objectives for environmental wellness has led the media to report on the project and its goals. This is the case of El Mundo Innovadores de Castilla y León, which has reported on the research of AIR Institute's staff regarding their initiative aimed at tackling the serious environmental problems affecting birds.

This is also the case of WDiarium, which points out that "the preventive approach proposed by the project could considerably reduce the high mortality of birds caused by collisions with wind turbines, in addition to other associated risks". You can read the article at this link.