AIR Institute participates in the second GILL project meeting in Greece

The second consortium meeting and the third meeting of the General Assembly of the GILL project were held this week in Greece. Our colleague Margarita Cea Lopez has attended on behalf of AIR Institute to highlight the progress in the tasks we have been assigned as project partners. The project aims to become the open innovation framework for all European actors for open innovation with a gender perspective.

The conference started with the welcome of the partners Pantelis Kanellopoulos, ViLabs and the presentation of the objectives of the meeting by Francesca Spagnoli. 

Among the objectives of GILL are creating a pan-European hub for collaboration and learning, developing an open access IT-based learning platform that supports the functionality of the Hub, as well as providing proven methodologies, services and tools that increase gender-smart innovation and entrepreneurship.

In this regard, the partners are working on a platform that will bring together the services, training and other actions that will be carried out to meet the proposed objectives. 

Over the two days of activities, there have been thematic workshops, in which all project partners have participated, a summary of the results and the next steps to be taken, some synergies with other similar initiatives and a debate on proposals for books to be published. 

These were intensive and productive meetings designed to promote the best practices of the Living Labs, improve professional development, increase the integration of technologies and innovation, and enable educational practices with a gender perspective.