The AIR Institute headquarters visited by young people, companies and teachers thanks to the Talent Tour 2024

The Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence Centre has been AIR Institute's headquarters in Salamanca for a few months now. The facilities have all that is needed by the different tech teams at the technology centre to carry out their daily work and advance on the national and international projects that they are part of.

Salamanca is one of the cities chosen to form part of the Talent Tour 2024, organised by the Princess of Girona Foundation. This is a fascinating and innovative initiative that features workshops, conferences, concerts, debates and other activities, and took place in Salamanca between 19 and 23 February.

These activities included two guided tours of the Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence Centre, which were attended by both the young and the elderly, company staff, teachers from educational centres, etc. Those who were interested were able to tour the 820 square metres of the AIR Institute facilities and try out technological tools such as virtual reality glasses or motion capture suits to create animations.


These visits are also part of the Salamanca Tech initiative, which seeks to promote the development of the city to make it a benchmark in innovation and a technological hub in southern Europe. The initiative promotes the business fabric through activities, forums and conferences, connecting entrepreneurs, investors and business people to create strategic alliances.